Wednesday, September 29, 2010

About eTSS employee management software

Organizations that contract with the US Government are obligated to adhere to timekeeping guidelines instituted by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA). DCAA compliance ensures contractor time and cost is properly and accurately accounted without misuse or miscalculation. DCAA compliance is endorsed by the United States Government.

The DCAA does not engineer software itself, DCAA timekeeping software denotes that software meets DCAA compliance standards. GHG Corp’s eTSS employee management software meets DCAA compliance standards and used by many NASA and defense contractors.

What are some of the employee management software capabilities of the eTSS software?

- Every employee is uniquely separated by username and passwords

- Edit’s to the employee management software’s ‘web timesheet’ is viewable by the employee, manager, and each system admin

- Employees can only edit time in regards to their own assignments

- The system allows for revised copies of timesheets after initial timesheets have been submitted

- Employees are updated by the DCAA timekeeping software if anyone modifies their timesheet other than them

- The timesheets allow for multiple levels of executive signature before submission for invoice/payment

- The DCAA timekeeping software does not allow for unauthorized project charging or modification

In addition, the eTSS employee management software offers supplemental capabilities. Seamless payroll timesheet integration, employee scheduling, and online pay stub information are all capable with the DCAA compliance product. Please read more about our eTSS management software on our official GHG Web site.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Know the Benefits of Employee Management Software

How do you feel about disorder in the workplace? The slightest thought of resources or money out of place is enough to make any executive cringe. HR management software has been the solution for many office managers in relation to keeping track of employees’ time and attendance. Timekeeping software is a quick and easy office solution enabling managers to track and log time in a company-wide database.

Timekeeping software can be leveraged by companies of all sizes. Larger companies are simply too large to accurately keep track of employee time and attendance and smaller entities can implement HR management software rather than devoting an employee to address the task. The following article relays several benefits of using employee management software.

- Have the ability to see resources at work. HR management software enables managers to see what activities are being performed and how much time employees are spending on each task.

- Timekeeping software data is stored electronically in an ongoing fashion so managers can reference the data immediately as well as in retrospect to make insightful decisions.

- HR management software positively affects your company’s bottom line. It is necessary for management to keep close watch of paid resources. Time keeping software provides a visual representation of your company’s investments at work.

- Timekeeping software is an invaluable resource for communicating to employees and to use for performance reviews. Both managers and employees can use HR management software to use as a reference when discussing an employee’s successes and future goals.

- In a nutshell, employee management software serves as a watchful eye while supplying all relevant information about employees’ time and attendance in one central location.

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